Lonely man

Okay , so i am 17 and i live in Serbia, and i found this very eerie and strange. It was Sunday night and i was in my living room with my brother. I live in a 5 story building and i am on the fifth floor.
I found this man/guy sitting right there. First i thought like: ''Okay well it's usual for someone to sit alone on a bench, i mean he just wants to think about some things right?''
I was wrong.
Very, very wrong.
I took my cellphone and i wanted to take a picture of him because i found this very creepy, since i read a lot of creepypastas, i am into this shit. He was sitting there. For the whole 20 minutes i have been watching him he had been sitting like a statue.
But then it started. I forgot to turn off the sound of my camera on my cell phone so when i snapped a pic, he looked over his shoulder and i looked straight at me. He had like white beaming eyes that glowed in the darkness. I don't know how he knew that i was right on that freaking window, but he looked straight at me. I was petrified with fear, and i didn't do anything. Just... stared. He took his eyes off of me after like 5 seconds but it felt like 5 hours. I could finally move. Any normal person would back off by now but i didn't. It was the worst mistake of my life.
I looked at him for another 5 minutes and then, he stood up. I watched as he walked to the stairs and into the tunnel.
I watched him as that's the way to my building. I said:

''No way he could know where i lived, that's just insane''

But, ''he knew.'' I heard my elevator in the building go down to the lobby, and then to my floor. ''Holy shit'', i said. I looked through my peephole and, as for any normal person, they would turn on the light on the floor when it's dark. But he didn't. He just stood there in the dark, with his 2 beaming white eyes.
I didn't move, i just stood there and i watched the two eyes come closer to my door. I knew it was locked so i was not afraid. But then, it just opened... by itself. I started backing out and i hit a corner of my apartment. He came in, and then i saw him completely. He had two yellow eyes that glow in the dark, gray hoodie, and some ripped jeans. He came closer and closer until he was completely over me. His face was terrifying. He had this ear-to-ear smile, that wasn't normal, and he didn't have nose or ears, just 4 holes. He just stood there, with his smile and watched me. And i watched him.
He started backing away into the darkness. I just watched him walk away with that eerie smile of his. He entered the elevator and he went from the 5th to the 4th floor. I heard large thumps , like when someone skips 2 steps at at time. He was coming up... very fast. He jumped on me, and he started screaming in my face. It felt like the Aztec Death Whistle. But louder and stronger. He stopped screaming and then he whispered in my ear:

Do not stare.

He stood up and jumped through my windows and ran off. I stood there frozen with fear. I never saw him after that. And i hope i will never again.
So remember, when you see someone sitting alone in a bench in your park. DO NOT STARE.